Write an automated file copy program using MS DOS
Write an automated file copy program using MS DOS
Code :
@echo off
Color ac
title K.K.T.M File Copy Service !
@echo Press Any Key To Copy All Files To Your Desktop !
@echo off
Color 1d
mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Copied Files"
title Copying Files Please wait !
Xcopy "*.*" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Copied Files\*.*"/y/s
Color fc
title File Copy- Succeed !
Del "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Copied Files\setup.bat" /Q
explorer "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Copied Files"
How To Launch This Program ....
1. Write this program on "Notepad"
2. Click File .. Save As.. File Name "Setup.bat" and Save As Type "All Files"
3. Save to your hard drive path (Don't Save On Desktop)
4. Launch it
5. DOS window will be displayed
6. Press any key to continue
7. Next, process will start
8. Finally you can see new folder on your PC desktop as "Copied Files" & folder will open automatically
Published By: Kasun Madhusanka