Dimensional stability of fabric
Dimensional stability is very important factor that always directly affect to the quality of garment. In the washing, steaming, cooling, tumbling, milling and stretching fabric dimensions will change. Knitted fabric has higher dimensional changes than woven fabric. Therefore dimensional testing is very important before start each operation of knitted garment manufacture. Dimensional changes can be identified under the terms of…
Relaxation shrinkage
Swelling shrinkage
Felting shrinkage
Hygral expansion
And also dimensional properties of garment also important to keep body configure when wearing. And also knitted fabric should not crush or stretch when cutting or sewing. Because after relaxing dimensions will be changed. Not only those before spreading, knitted fabric rolls are unrolled and keep about 24 hours.
Relaxation shrinkage
Swelling shrinkage
Felting shrinkage
Hygral expansion
And also dimensional properties of garment also important to keep body configure when wearing. And also knitted fabric should not crush or stretch when cutting or sewing. Because after relaxing dimensions will be changed. Not only those before spreading, knitted fabric rolls are unrolled and keep about 24 hours.