Alternative methods of garment assembly

Alternative Methods of Garment Manufacturing 
Garment Manufacturing Methods
How To Produce Garments
Garment Producing Techniques 

In the topic alternative methods of garment assembly we can describe procedure under the three sub topics.

·   +  Fusing
·   +  Moulding and adhesives
·   +  Pressing 

These topics are essential to launch proper garment manufacturing process. Now I hope to describe these sub points one by one.


Fusing can be simply explained as the systematic process of bonding of fabric pieces. To launch bonding process adhesives are commonly used. Adhesives are synthetic thermoplastic resins. When two fabrics are joining together with adhesives must be proper controlled heat, pressure and time. If have any of the condition unbalance following fusing problems can be seen.

·        Strike back - Penetration of resin through the interlining substrate.
·        Strike through - Penetration of resin to the face shell fabric.
·        Differential shrinkage - puckering or raveling surface of shell fabric. 
·        Delamination - Can be seen bubbled appearance of shell fabric.
·        Colour change - According to higher temperature colour patches can be       .                           seen.
·        Bubbling - Bubbled and puckered area on the face fabric
·        Boardiness - Too much resin and irregular resin placement.   

To eliminate these problems can be proper controlled amount of adhesives, control correct temperature, control fusing time and cooling time etc. And also skills of operator also directly affect to control fusing problems. Not only that to launch proper fusing operation specialized fusing pressers, hand irons and steam pressers are used. In the specialized fusing process use vertical action based pressing and scissor action techniques. We can identify as another fusing system, continuous fusing system and this system has three heating system such as direct heating, indirect heating and direct or indirect techniques. And this method process two conveyer belt systems are used such as end to end feed and return feed. Using continuous fusing system can be taken higher productivity. When we consider methods of fusing we can identified three methods.

·        Reverse fusing
·        Sandwich fusing
·        Double fusing

Moulding and adhesives    

Moulding is also another alternative method of garment assembly. The main objective of molding can be explained as get the proper shape and remove the seams of the garment to obtain comfortability. Moulding commonly causes the fabric to be permanently stretched or shrunk effect .So it will do the both, by heating it until it just begins to soften. Finally it is deformed in to the required shape and cooled so that new shape becomes permanent. To achieve good moulding process, moulding functions are essential and that are namely,

·        Shape
·        Form
·        Density
·        Surface structure

And also heat, pressure, moisture and time must be proper controlled. Under elements of moulding following points are controlled properly.

+ Use only heat
+ Use only moisture
+ Use only pressure
+ Use heat and moisture
+ Use moisture and mechanical pressure
+ Use heat and mechanical pressure
+ Use heat, moisture and mechanical process

Example: Moulded Bra cups


Welding method is also binding or sealing two thermoplastic materials without using external heat supply. The heat generate internally such as vibrating techniques. To launch this operation material should be minimum 65% thermoplastic.


·    +   The welding of decorative motifs to garments.
·    +    The waterproofing of previously sewn seams in garments made from waterproof materials.


Main differences between use of adhesives and welding can be explained as, though both methods are based on sticking. Here a bonding agent is used .it is a film of adhesive transferred from silicon paper. Either it can stick immediately or it should be heated so that be adhesive is that, in welding heat is generated internally and by this method heat applied by externally. There are two techniques can be seen in the apparel industry.

·       + In this step adhesive coat on silicon paper transfer to fabric after allow to plies of fabric join.
·       + One type of material melt using heat and it helps to joining plies of fabrics.


-         For edge neatening of hems.  
-         Apply adhesives for in seams, to take no strain.


Some people wrongly understand pressing and ironing is same. But it is incorrect concept. During ironing action, heated iron moves on the surface of material. Pressing can be defined as the systematically adding or removal creases or shapes in material or completed garments. This operation can be done using proper controlled heat, steam vacuum and pressure. Pressing operation can be point out two types.

·        Under - pressing

Under pressing operation commonly launched for during garment manufacturing process. (Opening seam and dart, pressing sewn yoke)

·        Off - pressing

Off pressing operation commonly launched for finished garments. (To obtain better appearance of finished garment such as remove creases etc.)

Following equipment can be used to launch pressing operation.

·        Irons and ironing tables
·        Steam pressers
·        Steam air finishers
·        Creasing machines

·        Steam tunnels
