Vacuum Packing Process and Its Advantages

In the modern garment industry vacuum packing method is used for different purposes. And under this method, in the package’s free spaces and air spaces remove systematically. So here occur vacuum between package and garment. Under the Advantages of vacuum packing process I hope to describe that purposes of garment manufacturer.

·        Reduce shipping bulk

After removing air and free spaces of package volume will be reduced. So it is easy to increase number of shipping packages.

·      Reduce the shipping weight

After removing air of package weight will be reduced. Then shipping cost is reduced according to low weight per package.

·        Prevent accumulating dust

According to the vacuum there is no connection with air of environment. So dust will not come in to package.

·        Prevent entering moisture in to garment.

According to the vacuum there is no connection with air of environment. Then atmospheric moisture will not come in to the package.

·        Prevent from fungi, mildew effects

According to the vacuum there is no connection with air of environment. So fungi and mildew need atmospheric air to grow. And there are no fungi and mildew occurs on packed garment.

·        Prevent garments occurring creases

According to the vacuum, garment not facing to another surface. Then will not crease.

·        Minimize storage spaces for retailer

According to the vacuum packing, free spaces between garment and package are reduced. This effect has an advantage and it is easy to store large number of packages in the low spaces of retail shop.