Join kktmadhusanka

How to join kktmadhusanka
How to enroll kktmadhusanka


* You can publish any advertisements free of charge
* You can use any type of animations and videos inside your post
* You can publish any promotional post free of charge
* The large amounts of Sri Lankan people see your posts
* Customer loyalty will be increased
* Many Sri Lankan people will follow you
* And other countries such as USA, UK, German, France, Africa, and Australia etc, commonly view      about 20% - 30% each day by total page views.
* Customer can direct connect with you through provided contact information on your written post

How to apply

If you like to join with my blog, please send me your Google account based E-Mail address (Eg: and send your linked in URL (Eg: After sending your email address of Google account I will send you an invitation email. After, you can accept or reject. If you accepted our invitation you can start writing blog posts by login to (Use your Gmail account and password to log

K.K.T Madhusanka