How To Create Custom URL On YouTube

How to make custom URL in to YouTube Channel
How to insert custom URL into my YouTube channel
How to increase my youtube views
How to increase youtube subsriptions


Before get eligibility of this feature you have to collect minimum 100 subscriptions of your you-tube channel. If you have 100 or more subscriptions you can load/ open following link using your web browser.

After loading features tab you can see your eligibility of you-tube options for your you tube channel.

Now you can see custom URL has been enabled, then click on it and insert selected name. (Remember this option can be edited only one time. Therefore before insert name please better check it again because after custermized URL cannot be changed again.)

After job done you can check your crated new custom URL. For an example test it practically given below URL before produce your custom URL an get an idea. After, start to make your own custom URL.

Having studied this article, you will be able to produce new custom URL in to your own website.