money money money
Money money money
Definition of money
Difference between money and price
What do you understand statement of money. Before explain definition of money I hope to describe about price.
Now I hope to ask you a question, what do you mean by price ?
I think you may have your own answer about definition of price.
Price can be explained as " The value paid for an exchange process ".
It means in society there are many goods and services are exchanging in complexity. In history, that says that exchange process was done with goods to goods or goods to service or service to goods,etc and it is called bartering process.
But in modern society bartering process can not be seen and instead this, money is used.
Now I hope to describe definition of money and additional details.
"Money is a paper or coin that has constant economic value and legally approved by country for exchange process. Every money has it's own value and value limitations which is issued by central bank of particular country."
Some currency that issued by developed countries such as Euro, US Dollar are recognized by most countries for international exchange process. For an example tea exporting process of india with another country, both parties exchange and decide values in U.S. dollars. If developing country is exporting their goods and services in to European countries, mostly exchange process can be seen with currency of Euro.
Money may be direct or indirect and, it means in day to day directly we deals using coins or notes, it is called direct exchanging process and deals with direct money.
But what are the indirect money or indirect exchange?
Online transaction, online payment, exchange process with credit cards and debit cards, PayPal and modern technology based money transactions are known as indirect money or indirect coins.
But sometimes you may not agree with my answer because I'm not an specialist about economics. But as blog writer I think, this post will gives a clear idea about price vs money through exchange process of goods and services of society.
If have new suggestions about this statement, we are cordially invite you to keep your own comment below.
But sometimes you may not agree with my answer because I'm not an specialist about economics. But as blog writer I think, this post will gives a clear idea about price vs money through exchange process of goods and services of society.
If have new suggestions about this statement, we are cordially invite you to keep your own comment below.