conventional tea plucking vs modern

In the modern supply and demand concept as a tea manufacture, need to be produced production to fulfill demand of tea market. But according to the conventional tea plucking is not sufficient to fulfill that requirement. The main reason is human fatigue and it is known as temporally inability during work on prolonged works. To avoid such less production and productivity new solution is tea plucking machine. But before introduce that important technique/ procedure, it is need to be discussed different angles and they are,

According to our knowledge we know tea plucking is done by traditional Tamil people in upcountry. And they have social heredity for that by generation to generation. But their technical knowledge is very poor about machine operate therefore physical injuries may high. To get more productivity Indian workers can be replaced instead them. But they are foreign employees and their culture is different than Sri Lankan traditional Tamil culture hence, if we place them some mismatches may occur in both societies such as religion, language, etc.    

How to eliminate…
·         Training and Development – To eliminate this type of problems need to be started employee training and development program in Tamil medium. And this should be done by using Tamil instructor and need to be explained important of machine tea plucking. After instruction, it is essential to launch practically movement through guidelines.

·         Motivational Programs – Motivational programs energize to increase performance of works. These programs may be financial as well as non financial such as,

+  Add bonus allowance to daily payments only for machine plucking worker.

+ Grade each efficient worker list in notice board / banner of factory entrance area to ....see all of other employees.  

+ Prize awarding to best target tea plucking worker in each month.    

Economically machine tea plucking is very important. Because when machine tea plucking can be taken more tea plucked harvest than conventional hand plucking. But need more capital to purchase machines, diesel/ fuels, and machine maintain costs. But that cost can be covered by large profit.

                             Total Cost  = Fixed cost + Variable Cost
                              Revenue = Price * Sales Volume
                              Profit  = Revenue – Total Costs   

In here if plucked harvest is higher, then production and product sales volume rises rapidly and hence, it is helps to increase company revenue and sales in to tea market.

Hand tea plucking is more environment friendly than machine plucking because in hand tea plucking operator can filter little tea leaf only. Because maturity tea leaf are needed for photosynthesis of tree need to grow and ability to make more new little tea leaf. But in machine tea plucking, operator unable to 100% filter little leaf through maturity and certain amount of both will cut. So in short time weak tea plant can be seen due to low photosynthesis of each plant. Another thing is higher noise and vibration of tea plucking machines may harmful to environment. Previously I told according to the maturity leaf damages due to machine cut then tea plants are getting weak. To avoid weakness of trees manufacturer have to input more chemical fertilizer to quick leaf and each parts of tree enlargement but it may be harmful to soil lives and sometime toxic chemicals may mix with water source and when drinking harmful chemical may effect to human body.

Although machine tea plucking is more profitable through mass production, but is dangerous and critical hence, I’m not willing to introduce tea plucking machine by considering following points.

Environmental Diseases
When machine operating at 8 hours per each day there are more fuel is burning to launch this tea plucking machine and when diesel burning, unburned carbon and green house gases release to the environment and it may be affect to quick climatic change in environment with green house effect of earth. Another thing is according to machine operating long time it releases certain amount of noise and extra vibration long time generate industrial hygienic hazards.  

Unusual Injuries
According to fewer practices and less attention of tea plucking, worker sometimes may occur bad injuries because tea plucking machine contains sharp blades when working machine these blades are highly move and in case hand or any body part met in time, badly cut those places.     

Tea Plant Damages
In hand tea plucking, worker has time to filter and select little tea leaf among maturity leaf. But in machine tea plucking both tea leaves are mixing. 
Training and Development Problems
Conventional estate workers are not educated in their culture and society and in new development and method introducing to them it is difficult to train them correctly. Because if we plan to train them we have to select more practical training schedule and instructor. If we unable to success that two criteria then they never learn and practice machine tea plucking correctly. 
Machine Costs
In new introducing tea plucking machines to estate need to choose durable, less maintain cost and higher quality machines to continuous work hence we have to invest more capital cost for new machine purchasing. So it is need to be planned to purchase higher quality and higher durable and low cost machines for tea plucking operations in tea estate.    

Higher Machine Maintain Costs
Although machines are quality but in tea plucking operation continuously it is need to service and maintain that machines to keep prolonged works in tea estate. But it is generate additional costs for machine oils and machine blades and other machine parts. And also it is need to recruit specialized maintains workers and technicians for machine servicing and maintain process.  

Poor Quality of Tea Plucking Harvest Production
I above told when machine tea plucking maturity and little leaf may mix and it is directly affect to reduces quality of dry tea because maturity tea leaf generate less taste hence customer loyalty will decrease. And in machine tea plucking, cut leaf are auto insert in to sack by using machine vacuum system and in here dust and impurities affinity will increase in to sack according to this vacuum system.    

How to eliminate…
To eliminate this production lose we can introduce new tea plucking techniques by using hand power operating small tool or machine. But this technique should not harmful to tea plants and environment. And to avoid injuries can be introduced personal protective gloves and personal protective coat for wearing and work when tea plucking. 

My Final Decisions and Solutions
·         To introduce new tea plucking process and improvement.
·         Add production and quality incentive for target exceeding workers.
·         Introduce cost effective training and development target.
·         To introduce prize giving each monthly for best performance team of estate.
·         Introduce simple hand operating machine instead diesel burning machine.  

Source: Assignment - II, Technology Society and Environment  at OUSL
Author: K.K.T Madhusanka