How to Cultivate Rose Flower Plants in Sri Lanka

How To Grow Rose Plants in Sri Lanka.
How to grow little rose plants Sri Lanka
Rosa Wagawa
Rosa mal wagawa
Rosa pala kirima
Rosa roga
Rosa Pohora
Rosa pela kirima
How to get little rose plants using seeds in Sinhala
How do we obtain good little Rose plants.

I think this article may helpful to get an instructions for Rose farming in Sri Lanka even hot climatic conditions. Rose are willing to grow in cold climate but also it can be cultivated even hot climates by controlling some conditions. Rose can be grown by mainly seeds and stems. Maturity seeds are needed to grow that little rose plants and little seeds can not be used to get little Rose plants.
And, maturity stem of the Rose also can be used to get little plants of Rose. This method is more and more practical by comparing with seeds method.  Stems must have 4-6 inches length and planting end should be cut about 45 degrees. After rooting hormones can be bedaubed on surface of angle cut area of the stem. After it can be placed with soil.Sometimes some diseases of rose cultivation may occur. They are insect problems, fungi effect, wrong fertilizer management wit Rose farm, etc. I think above information will helpful to be success with rose cultivation even hot climatic countries. If you have any question about this, you can send your problems to particular e-mail.